
Espèce Cycloseris costulata

Spécimen de référence Lagplon : HS0515
Classification : Animalia (Règne) Cnidaria (Embranchement) Anthozoa (Classe) Scleractinia (Ordre) Fungiidae (Famille)

Cycloseris costulata Spec/Obs

  • Cycloseris costulata HS0515

    Cycloseris costulata HS0515

  • Cycloseris costulata HS0515

    Cycloseris costulata HS0515

  • Cycloseris costulata HS0515

    Cycloseris costulata HS0515

  • Cycloseris costulata HS0515

    Cycloseris costulata HS0515

  • Cycloseris costulata HS0515

    Cycloseris costulata HS0515

  • Cycloseris costulata HS0515

    Cycloseris costulata HS0515

Description de l'espèce
Commentaire : Corallum free-living. Each coral with usually one, centrally located mouth (monostomatous). Juvenile specimens vary from round to slightly hexagonal, while full-grown corals vary from discoidal to slightly oval. The corals are thick and vary from slightly concave to arched. The length of the fossa is 1/12 to 1/6 of the corallum length. Corallum maximum diameter generally < 10 cm. The septa are densely packed and straight. They are unequal in thickness and in height. Septal dentations coarse (≤10/cm). Corallum wall solid. The costae are almost equal in size, straight and prominent near the corallum margin. They are ornamented.
Protection : haute
Bibliographie (Référence/URL) :
Hoeksema BW. 1989. Taxonomy, phylogeny and biogeography of mushroom corals (Scleractinia: Fungiidae). Zoologische Verhandelingen, Leiden 254: 1-295.
Liste des spécimens associés
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