
Espèce Blastomussa wellsi Wijsman-Best, 1973

Spécimen de référence Lagplon : HS0557
Classification : Animalia (Règne) Cnidaria (Embranchement) Anthozoa (Classe) Scleractinia (Ordre) Incertae sedis (Famille)

Blastomussa wellsi Spec/Obs

  • Blastomussa wellsi HS0557

    Blastomussa wellsi HS0557

  • Blastomussa wellsi - Close up of a colony in situ - HS0557

    Blastomussa wellsi - Close up of a colony in situ - HS0557

  • Blastomussa wellsi - SEM image - HS0557

    Blastomussa wellsi - SEM image - HS0557

  • Blastomussa wellsi - Colony in situ - HS0557

    Blastomussa wellsi - Colony in situ - HS0557

  • Blastomussa wellsi - morphology - HS0557

    Blastomussa wellsi - morphology - HS0557

Description de l'espèce
Commentaire : B. wellsi forms phaceloid colonies by extra-tentacular budding. Although corallites are normally regularly spaced, recently budded ones can still have connections and coralla may be partially cerioid. Corallites are round to oval and 8 to 13 mm in largest diameter. Four cycles of septa are present, the first three reach the columella and are equal or sub-equal as the first can be slightly thicker, the third one is reduced or incomplete. Septa are composed of multiple fan systems thus margins are lobed (Chevalier, 1975, Fig. 213). Septal margins and sides finely granulated. Columella formed by trabecular processes from the inner margins of septa and papillae the center. The papillae are often fused to form a lamellar structure in the middle of the corallite which gives the columella a bilateral symmetry. Epitheca forms few millimeters below the margin of the corallite wall which bears costae.
Protection : basse
Liste des spécimens associés
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