
Espèce Lobactis scutaria Lamarck, 1801

Spécimen de référence Lagplon : HS2157
Classification : Animalia (Règne) Cnidaria (Embranchement) Anthozoa (Classe) Scleractinia (Ordre) Fungiidae (Famille)

Lobactis scutaria Spec/Obs

  • Lobactis scutaria HS2157

    Lobactis scutaria HS2157

  • Lobactis scutaria HS2157

    Lobactis scutaria HS2157

  • Lobactis scutaria HS2157

    Lobactis scutaria HS2157

  • Lobactis scutaria HS2157

    Lobactis scutaria HS2157

  • Lobactis scutaria HS2157

    Lobactis scutaria HS2157

  • Lobactis scutaria HS2157

    Lobactis scutaria HS2157

  • Lobactis scutaria HS2157

    Lobactis scutaria HS2157

  • Lobactis scutaria HS2157

    Lobactis scutaria HS2157

  • Lobactis scutaria HS2157

    Lobactis scutaria HS2157

Description de l'espèce
Commentaire : Corallum free-living. Each coral with usually one, centrally located mouth (monostomatous). Corallum outline varies from oval to elongate with ends either rounded or tapering The coralla are usually thick, they vary from flat to highly arched. The length of the central fossa, measured at its bottom, is 1/8 to 1/4 of the coral length. Maximum length of the coralla up to 20 cm. Above the inner edge of each septum there usually is a prominent tentacular lobe. The septa are densely packed and wavy, particularly along the tentacular lobes of higher order septa. The septa are almost of equal thickness and height. The septa of lower orders are slightly thicker and higher than the septa of higher orders. The corallum wall is perforated in adult specimens, but may still be solid in small specimens. The costae are almost equal in size, in most specimens are not regularly built and straight. All costae are finely ornamented with blunt or elongate spines which are granulated at the tips
Protection : basse
Bibliographie (Référence/URL) :
Hoeksema BW. 1989. Taxonomy, phylogeny and biogeography of mushroom corals (Scleractinia: Fungiidae). Zoologische Verhandelingen, Leiden 254: 1-295.
Liste des spécimens associés
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