Commentaire : Corallum free-living. Each coral with usually one, centrally located mouth (monostomatous). The corallum outline varies from oval to elongate with rounded ends. The coralla are thick and vary from flat to slightly arched. The length of the central fossa, measured at its bottom, is 1/8 to 1/5 of the corallum length. Maximum length of the coralla up to 40 cm. The septa are relatively loosely packed and either straight or slightly bending. Septa of lowest orders are higher and thicker than those of highest orders. The septal margins are coarsely ornamented with long dentations which taper towards their tips and are either slightly rounded or pointed. Their number varies from 7 to 12 per cm. The corallum wall is perforated and covered by granulations. The costae are unequal in size, straight and distinct near the corallum margin, whereas they are less distinct near the centre. All costae are coarsely ornamented with slightly echinose spines which are either short and blunt or elongate. The living animal is usually brown and can easily be recognized because of its distinct white tentacles which already show up in small specimens.
Protection : basse