
Espèce Cantharellus noumeae Hoeksema & Best, 1984

Spécimen de référence Lagplon : HS2928
Classification : Animalia (Règne) Cnidaria (Embranchement) Anthozoa (Classe) Scleractinia (Ordre) Fungiidae (Famille)

Cantharellus noumeae Spec/Obs

  • Cantharellus noumeae HS2928

    Cantharellus noumeae HS2928

  • Cantharellus noumeae HS2928

    Cantharellus noumeae HS2928

  • Cantharellus noumeae HS2928

    Cantharellus noumeae HS2928

  • Cantharellus noumeae HS2928

    Cantharellus noumeae HS2928

  • Cantharellus noumeae HS2928

    Cantharellus noumeae HS2928

  • Cantharellus noumeae HS2928

    Cantharellus noumeae HS2928

Description de l'espèce
Commentaire : Corallum attached. Each coral with usually one, centrally located mouth (monostomatous). The corallum outline varies from regularly circular to slightly oval. In larger specimens the margin is undulated with folds. The length of the central fossa, measured at its bottom, is 1/13 to 1/7 of the corallum length. Colony maximum diameter generally < 10 cm. The septa are densely packed and straight at the centre, whereas they may be diverging near the margin. The septa of lower orders are thick and more protruding, those of higher orders thinner. Septal dentations fine (>10/cm). The corallum wall is solid and usually inhabited by epibionts. The costae are distinct over their whole length. They are finely ornamented by granular and blunt spines.
Protection : basse
Liste des spécimens associés
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