
Espèce Ctenactis echinata Pallas, 1766

Spécimen de référence Lagplon : HS1321
Classification : Animalia (Règne) Cnidaria (Embranchement) Anthozoa (Classe) Scleractinia (Ordre) Fungiidae (Famille)

Ctenactis echinata Spec/Obs

  • Ctenactis echinata HS1321

    Ctenactis echinata HS1321

  • Ctenactis echinata HS1321

    Ctenactis echinata HS1321

  • Ctenactis echinata HS1321

    Ctenactis echinata HS1321

  • Ctenactis echinata HS1321

    Ctenactis echinata HS1321

  • Ctenactis echinata HS1321

    Ctenactis echinata HS1321

  • Ctenactis echinata HS1321

    Ctenactis echinata HS1321

  • Ctenactis echinata HS1321

    Ctenactis echinata HS1321

  • Ctenactis echinata HS1321

    Ctenactis echinata HS1321

  • Ctenactis echinata HS1321

    Ctenactis echinata HS1321

Description de l'espèce
Commentaire : Corallum free-living. Each coral generally has one, centrally located mouth (monostomatous). However, in approximately 10% of the cases budding takes place and more mouth are present through budding. The outline of the coralla varies from oval to elongate with ends which vary between tapering and rounded. The coralla are thick and vary from flat to highly arched. The length of the central fossa or groove, measured at its bottom, is 1/5 to 1/2 of the corallum length. Maximum length of the coralla up to 45 cm. The septa are densely packed and either straight or slightly bending . The septa of low order cycles are thick , those of higher orders thin. Those of the lowest orders are more protruding than those of higher orders. The septal margins are coarsely ornamented with irregularly rounded or lobate dentations. Their number varies from 4 to 8 per cm. The corallum wall is perforated and covered by granulations. The costae are unequal in size; they are more or less straight and distinct from near the centre towards the corallum margin. All costae are coarsely ornamented with spines which vary from long and echinose to short and coarsely granulated.
Protection : basse
Bibliographie (Référence/URL) :
Hoeksema BW. 1989. Taxonomy, phylogeny and biogeography of mushroom corals (Scleractinia: Fungiidae). Zoologische Verhandelingen, Leiden 254: 1-295.
Liste des spécimens associés
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