Commentaire : Corallum free-living. Each coral with usually one, centrally located mouth (monostomatous). Outline of corallum oval (in unbroken specimens). Coralla convex around fossa (humped). The coralla are convex and thick around the central fossa, whereas their margin is relatively thin, they vary from flat to arched. The length of the central fossa is 1/15 to 2/9 of the coral length. Maximum length of the coralla up to 15 cm. The septa are thin, straight and densely packed. The thickest and highest septa are those of lower order cycles. Corallum wall solid and devoid of granulation. The costae are almost equal in size. They are straight and distinct near the corallum margin, while they become vague and wavy near the centre. All costae are finely ornamented with acute, granular spines.
Protection : basse