Commentaire : Corallum free-living. Each coral with usually one, centrally located mouth (monostomatous), but they may form supernumerary mouths. "Irregularly ovalelongate corallum outline with rounded or tapering ends. Their shape varies from flat to highly arched. The oral surface is very convex, especially around the central mouth." The corals vary in thickness. The length of the central fossa, measured at its bottom, is 1/7 to 1/2 of the corallum length. Maximum length of the coralla up to 20 cm. The septa are densely packed and straight. The septa of lower orders are thick those of higher orders are relatively thin. The septa of low order cycles are the most exsert. Tentacular lobes may be present. The septal margins are finely ornamented with septal dentations which are either blunt and irregularly granular or slightly angular and sharp. The corallum wall is normally solid in immature specimens and perforated in adults. It usually shows concentric, irregularly undulating growth lines. The wall is not granulated. The costae are unequal in size, often thickened, straight and distinct near the corallum margin. In the smallest coralla they are not always clearly visible. The costae are finely ornamented with spines which are usually granular, blunt and erect. On the thicker low order costae the spines point in various directions.
Protection : basse