Commentaire : Corallum free-living. Each coral with usually one, centrally located mouth (monostomatous). Outline varies from discoidal to slightly oval. The coralla vary from thin to thick and from flat to arched. The length of the fossa is 1/10 to 1/5 of the corallum length. Colony maximum diameter generally < 10 cm. The septa are densely packed; they are either straight or a little wavy. The septa of lower orders are thick, solid and exsert. The solid corallum wall is ungranulated. The costae are either straight or wavy. At the centre they are relatively unclear, equally sized and wavy, while towards the periphery they become more prominent, straight and less equal in size. The lower order costae are more exsert than the other ones. In small specimens the costae are finely ornamented with acute, granular spines. In large coralla the relatively thick lower order costae are irregularly covered with long spines, which point in various directions.
Protection : basse