
Espèce Danafungia scruposa Döderlein, 1901

Spécimen de référence Lagplon : HS0757
Classification : Animalia (Règne) Cnidaria (Embranchement) Anthozoa (Classe) Scleractinia (Ordre) Fungiidae (Famille)

Danafungia scruposa Spec/Obs

  • Danafungia scruposa HS0757

    Danafungia scruposa HS0757

  • Danafungia scruposa HS0757

    Danafungia scruposa HS0757

  • Danafungia scruposa HS0757

    Danafungia scruposa HS0757

  • Danafungia scruposa HS0757

    Danafungia scruposa HS0757

  • Danafungia scruposa HS0757

    Danafungia scruposa HS0757

  • Danafungia scruposa HS0757

    Danafungia scruposa HS0757

Description de l'espèce
Commentaire : Corallum free-living. Each coral with usually one, centrally located mouth (monostomatous). Discoidal. The corals are thick and vary from flat to highly arched. The length of the central fossa is 1/8 to 1/5 of the coral length. Maximum length of the coralla up to 40 cm. The septa are straight and densely packed. The septa of lower order cycles are thicker and more protruding than the ones of higher orders. The septal margins are coarsely ornamented with irregularly angular dentations. Their number varies from 2 to 8 per cm. The corallum wall is solid and granulated. Costae unequal in size, straight and distinct near the corallum margin, but are less distinct and wavy near the centre. The lower order costae are coarsely ornamented with elongate spines which are either blunt or acute. These spines protrude in various directions.
Protection : basse
Bibliographie (Référence/URL) :
Hoeksema BW. 1989. Taxonomy, phylogeny and biogeography of mushroom corals (Scleractinia: Fungiidae). Zoologische Verhandelingen, Leiden 254: 1-295.
Liste des spécimens associés
HS075703.12.04ST316 touho - nouvelle-calédonie inconnu
HS073101.01.01ST734 atoll de huon - nouvelle-calédonie inconnu